Som det framgår av nedenstående, bryr president Bush seg virkelig om
hva du og jeg mener. Hurra.
Kopier og send et brev du også.
Trond Andresen
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2001 08:11:01 -0500 (EST)
From: Autoresponder@WhiteHouse.GOV
Subject: Re: Please reverse your Kyoto decision
Sender: White.House.Mail.Relay.Autoresponder
Thank you for emailing President Bush. Your ideas and comments are very
important to him.
Unfortunately, because of the large volume of email received, the President
cannot personally respond to each message. However, the White House staff
considers and reports citizen ideas and concerns.
Again, thank you for your email. Your interest in the work of President Bush
and the new administration is appreciated.
The White House Office of E-Correspondence
>Dear President Bush,
>I call on you as President of the USA not to betray the Kyoto Protocol.
>The United States must live up to its commitment to the UN negotiations to
>prevent global warming. Sabotaging the Kyoto Protocol puts the USA into a
>position of environmental isolationism and makes it responsible for climate
>The US has the highest per capita CO2 emissions in the world. People around
>the world already faced with the first signs of climate change, suffering
>from floods and hurricanes, expect your country to be in the forefront of
>tackling climate change.
>An enormous potential of creativity, innovation and efficiency is there to
>be harvested once we have decided to really reduce CO2 emission. If you fail
>to reverse your decision to kill the Kyoto Protocol, future generations will
>not forgive you.
>President Bush, the science is proven and the international political will
>is there to tackle climate change. The US must join the world in tackling
>climate change.
>Trond Andresen
>The Norwegian University of Science and Technology
>Department of Engineering Cybernetics
>N-7491 Trondheim, NORWAY
>+47-73-594358, --4376 (secr.). --4399 (fax)
>+47-73-530823 (home), +47-9189 7045 (mobile)
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