Le Sam, 31 Mar 2001 17:38:25 +0200
jonivar skullerud <jonivar@bigfoot.com> a écrit:
> Det er ikke bare fryd og gammen med rutinemessig offentliggjøring av
> epost-adresser og med epost-kampanjer.
Nei, ikkje alltid, men lat meg likevel foreslå denne frå Les Amis de la
Terre (Friends of the Earth): http://www.foei.org/whatsnew/bush.htm
Oddmund Garvik
Wednesday, 28 March 2001
Stop President Bush from betraying the UN climate change treaty!
Last year the US blocked progress at negotiations in The Netherlands. Now
Texas oil-man, President George W. Bush, wants to destroy the Kyoto
Protocol - the only international treaty to cut the emissions causing
climate change.
Friends of the Earth asks people around the world to flood the White House
with protest e-mails.
Let's show President Bush how much people care about
climate change.
Please cut and paste the message below into a new e- mail
and send it to: PRESIDENT BUSH at president@whitehouse.gov
Please CC to: protest@foeeurope.org
Dear President Bush,
Don't scupper the Kyoto Protocol!
Climate change is the number one environmental threat facing the world.
People around the world are already suffering from floods and hurricanes
which could be first signs of climate change.
The United States has four per cent of the world's population but produces
25 per cent of the world's carbon dioxide - the principal cause of climate
change. The US has a clear responsibility to act to prevent this threat.
The Kyoto Protocol is the only international treaty that will cut
emissions of the gases that cause climate change. The US must live up to
its responsibilities. It must not scupper this treaty.
Future generations will not forgive us if we fail to prevent the climate
catastrophe that is threatening the world.
Yours sincerely,
Goerge Bush's campaign for the Presidency was backed and financed by major
US oil giants, which campaigned against the international treaty to
prevent climate change.
The US promised to cut its emissions of climate changing gases by 7% over
1990 levels before 2012 at the latest, but US emissions in fact have risen
by more than 10% between 1990 and 2000.
A White House spokesman said on 28 March that: "The president has been
unequivocal. He does not support the Kyoto treaty." The Swedish
Environment Minister described this statement as "appalling and
For more information visit:
http://www.foeeurope.org/climate or e-mail protest@foeeurope.org
For more information on President Bush's environmental policy to date,
visit: http://www.foe.org/act/takeaction/index.html
The Climate Team @ Friends of the Earth
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