Etter å ha lese innlegga her på forumet om LM-saka, får eg inntrykk av at
det er ein del forvirring om det reelle innhaldet i saka. Det er ganske
enkelt, Diana Johnstone formulerer det slik:
A huge British television enterprise, ITN, has succeeded in bankrupting a
small leftist magazine for publishing a simple, but little-known FACT: that
an ITN photo team set up a photo of [Bosnian Serb] Trnopolje transit camp
to look like a concentration camp by taking pictures of refugees, one of
them extremely thin, through some barbed wire they found at the edge of the
camp. This is the fact. It was not refuted. It was not even challenged.
Instead, the photo journalist said her feelings were hurt. And a witness
said bad things happened at the camp... true or not, but irrelevant to the
FACT of the disputed article.
Nevertheless, a British jury called this "libel" and imposed a staggering
huge fine. Are these the new Western "values"? Truth is clearly not among
them. -DJ
Artikkelen til Thomas Deichman vart først publisert i det tyske
tidsskriftet NOVO, og dei bunnsolide avsløringane av ITNs manipulasjon av
bildematerialet fekk mellom anna Der Spiegel til å gå ut å be om orsaking
for at dei hadde gått på bløffen.
Desse avsløringane vart altså heller ikkje betvilt av retten som dømde LM.
Her er ein kommentar av Phil Hammond, henta frå nettstaden
emperors-clothes, legg merke til dommaren sine utsegner:
The LM-ITN verdict has several disturbing implications. But perhaps
worst of all is the fact that the shrill media debate which followed the
case has obscured its most important outcome: Thomas Deichmann's
revelation that it was ITN's journalists who were surrounded by
barbed wire - not the men they were filming - was shown in court to be
true. Even the presiding judge noted in his summing up that 'Clearly
Ian Williams and Penny Marshall and their TV teams were mistaken
in thinking they were not enclosed by the old barbed wire fence'. 'But',
the judge asked rhetorically, 'does it matter?' It may not matter in the
English libel courts, but surely to those of us seeking to understand
the Bosnian war and its media coverage - indeed, to most reasonable
people - this is exactly what matters most. PH
Heldigvis var det eit serbisk TV-team på plass som filma løgnarane medan
dei fabrikerte sitt sensasjonsoppslag. Dette film-materialet blir no lagt
ut for salg:
(gå inn på artikkelen JUDGEMENT)
Beklageligvis gjekk det altfor mange år før svindelen vart avslørt i
vesten, og avsløringane har tydeligvis ikkje nådd så veldig langt heller.
Det er det på tide å gjere noko med. Klassekampen har vel heller ikkje gått
til kjerna i denne saka enno?
Til slutt tek eg ein link til den originale artikkelen i LM:
Asgeir Bjørkedal
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