>To: Multiple recipients of list mer-L <mer-L@middleeast.org>
>Sender: owner-mer-L@middleeast.org
>Reply-To: mer-L@middleeast.org
>Date: Sat, 08 Feb 1997 08:48:04 -0800
>From: MID-EAST REALITIES <MER@middleeast.org>
>MIME-Version: 1.0
>Subject: Arafat Regime Disastrous For Palestinians Says Eøpert
>M I D - E A S T R E A L I T I E S
>For further information: http://www.MiddleEast.Org
> ÆMER - Reality, contrary to the disinformation
> that is so widespread in the West, especially
> in the U.S., is that Oslo and all that has flowed
> from it, have been economically, political,
> socially, and psychologically disastrous for
> the Palestinian people.Å
>"The political situation under the 'Palestinian Authority' is now far
>worse than it was before Oslo. People are disillusioned, intimidated
>and -- in sharp contrast with the past -- depoliticized. Opposition
>to Arafat is not permitted. The political parties, which used also to
>fulfill important social functions, have been destroyed. Civil
>society is weakening. Israel pursued a policy of
>de-institutionalization and the PA is continuing this policy.
>Viable civic institutions continue to function but are under constant
>threat, especially those associated with the Islamic movement. The
>PA is clearly trying to eliminate indigenous institutions and replace
>them with its own."
> ÆThis bold conclusion is from a talk at the Brown
> University Watson Institute for International Studies,
> 1/30/97, by Sara Roy, a Research Fellow at Harvard
> University's Center for Middle Eastern Studies. Ms.
> Roy is among the foremost American eøperts on the
> Palestinian economy. This quote is from notes of
> Ms. Roy's remarks prepared by Stephen Shenfield,
> researcher at the Watson Institute, and approved by
> Ms. Roy. The full report is available at the Web
> site at address: http://www.MiddleEast.Org/roy1.htmÅ
> For latest information go to: http://www.MiddleEast.Org
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>MER may be freely distributed by email so long as the entire message
>is resent, unedited in any way. For any print publication in any form
>please contact MER for permission in writing which is required.
Hilsen Knut Rognes