....er en av antiglobaliseringsbevegelsens viktigste lederskikkelser
>Naomi and the Brand-New Left
>With her international best-seller No Logo, Canadian Naomi Klein has become
>a guru of the anti-globalization movement -- and finds herself surfing the
>most dramatic wave of protest since the Sixties. Meanwhile, debate rages
>within the old left as the NDP struggles to re-brand itself.
>Naomi Klein's No Logo inspires another generation of protest
>Naomi Klein is looking for a paper clip at 30,000 feet. On a flight to
>Boston -- to address a conference called Change the World! -- she has been
>scribbling revisions into a fresh speech, which lies spread across her tray
>table. Having left her laptop at home in Toronto, she's cutting and pasting
>the old-fashioned way. Klein spends her life working literally on the fly.
>Only two days earlier, she was in Porto Alegre, Brazil, mingling with
>10,000 fellow activists at a conference called Another World Is Possible.
>Right after Boston, there would be speeches in Toronto, then Victoria. And
>by the end of this week, she will have flown to Florida, Ottawa, New York
>City, France, Germany -- and Mexico City, just in time to see masked
>Zapatista leader Subcomandante Marcos ride into the capital on horseback
>with his mass caravan of protest.
> .........
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