Frå Greenpeace
Norwegian Whaling Threatens Endangered Species
Hundreds of tons of minke whale products, often packed in cartons labeled
in Japanese, are waiting in warehouses in Norway. In December,
Norway's fisheries minister authorized export, only to be overruled by the
Foreign Minister. But the whalers have not given up. The
government is soon to decide on the issue and the whaler's association
says that it has 'got signals' that the ban on export will be lifted.
When whale meat is shipped from country to country, it is not only the
whales that die. Whale meat is a high value commodity and
international trade provides the cover for pirate whalers who catch all
species regardless of how rare they are.
If Norway resumes export in minke whales, not only will it provide a cover
for pirate whalers to hunt threatened whale species all over the
world, but it will generate huge pressure from the whalers to be allowed
to kill more whales so they can make more money. Norway's chief
whaling scientist has suggested that the quota could be increased from 500
a year to 3,000 a year and the whalers are already demanding
that they be allowed to hunt additional species.
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Please act now!
Oddmund Garvik
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